Print Smarter. Print Greener.

4 ways YOU can make a BIG difference.

Join us to reduce waste, save money, and create a more sustainable future!

1) THINK Before You Print

 Ask yourself, do I really need a hard copy, or can I use a digital version?


2) Only Print the PAGES YOU NEED

 Preview documents before printing to ensure you’re not printing unnecessary pages or spot formatting errors in advance.


3) Print 2-SIDED

 Cut your paper consumption – not trees! Set your printer default to 2-Sided printing and use 50% less paper.


4) AVOID COLOUR Printing Unless Needed

 Use less toner and save money at the same time!

Every PRINT adds up. Together we can make a POSITIVE impact.

Thank You for printing Smarter & Greener!

Printing Factoids

  • 17% of pages are never used.
  • 5 minutes is the average life cycle of a printed document.
  • Colour prints cost 5-10X more than black & white

footPRINT Savings Estimator

 Enter the number of office workers in your business to calculate your potential savings with our Managed Print Services!

View Calculation Data

Printing Stats – Your Print Savings Estimate includes the following office printing statistics:


  • Average tree produces 8,333 sheets of paper
  • Typical office worker prints 10,000 sheets of paper per year
  • Common desktop laser printer produces 100 pounds of waste per year
  • Unmanaged print environments have one printer for every 2.7 workers
  • Paper and financial savings are based on typical 30% reduction
  • Assumes zero waste with our print cartridge recycling program